Reading articles is something people do on the Internet. In fact, you're probably reading this article right now. But how can you be certain that you're reading this article right now? If you're not entirely sure you're reading this article right now, check out these signs:
1. You're pretty sure you're reading this article right now.
Being pretty sure you're reading this article right now is a good sign that you may actually be reading this article right now.
2. You're very sure you're reading this article right now.
Being very sure you're reading this article right now is a good sign that you may actually be reading this article right now.
3. You see these words right now.
This is also a strong sign.
4. The last word you read was was
Again, very strong sign.
5. And now it's it's
Yup. That's a big sign right there.
6. You're still pretty sure you're reading this article right now
Another strong sign.
7. You're still very sure you're reading this article right now
Oh yes. Big sign.
8. When you ask another person in the room with you if you are reading this article right now and they respond, "yes"
They're probably not lyin'
9. You remember clicking the link to this article
Not only a big sign, but a great life memory to have.
10. You are reading this article right now.
A great sign that you're probably reading this article right now.
So, are you reading this article right now? Let me know in the comments below!